TerraWeek Day 3: Mastering Terraform Configuration, Provisioners, and Lifecycle Management

TerraWeek Day 3: Mastering Terraform Configuration, Provisioners, and Lifecycle Management


Terraform is a powerful tool for defining, provisioning, and managing infrastructure as code (IaC). On Day 3 of TerraWeek, I explored Terraform's capabilities by creating an AWS EC2 instance, configuring provisioners, managing lifecycle configurations, and using essential Terraform commands. This blog walks you through the tasks I accomplished, complete with explanations, code snippets, and key takeaways.

Github full code for Day-03 : https://github.com/Amitabh-DevOps/TerraWeek/tree/feat/day03/day03

Task 1: Define Resources with Terraform Configuration

The first step was to create Terraform configuration files to define an AWS EC2 instance and its associated resources.


  1. AWS Provider:

    • Configured in main.tf, specifying the AWS region and provider version.
    provider "aws" {
      region = "us-east-1"
  1. EC2 Instance Configuration:

    • Defined in ec2.tf, using the latest Ubuntu AMI, a security group, and a key pair.

    • Included a provisioner to install and start Nginx automatically.

    resource "aws_instance" "my_instance" {
      ami           = "ami-0c02fb55956c7d316"
      instance_type = "t2.micro"
      key_name      = "terraweek_key"
      security_groups = ["my_terraweek_sg"]

      provisioner "remote-exec" {
        inline = [
          "sudo apt update",
          "sudo apt install -y nginx",
          "sudo systemctl start nginx",
          "sudo systemctl enable nginx"
        connection {
          type        = "ssh"
          user        = "ubuntu"
          private_key = file(var.aws_private_key_pair_name)
          host        = self.public_ip
  1. Security Group:

    • Configured to allow SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS traffic.
    resource "aws_security_group" "my_terraweek_sg" {
      ingress {
        from_port   = 22
        to_port     = 22
        protocol    = "tcp"
        cidr_blocks = [""]
      # HTTP and HTTPS rules are added similarly

Task 2: Validate Configuration and Check State Files

State Files

Terraform's state files (terraform.tfstate) track infrastructure resources. Before making changes, I reviewed the state files to ensure consistency between the configuration and actual resources.


To validate the syntax and usability of my configuration files, I ran:

terraform validate

✅ Output: Success! The configuration is valid.

Commands Used

  1. terraform init: Initialize Terraform.

  2. terraform plan: Review planned changes.

  3. terraform apply: Apply changes to create the resources.

Task 3: Provisioning Resources with Terraform

A remote-exec provisioner was added to the EC2 instance to install Nginx automatically.

Provisioner Code

provisioner "remote-exec" {
  inline = [
    "sudo apt update",
    "sudo apt install -y nginx",
    "sudo systemctl start nginx",
    "sudo systemctl enable nginx"

Terraform Commands

  • Apply changes:

      terraform apply --auto-approve
  • Destroy resources:

      terraform destroy

Task 4: Lifecycle Management

Terraform's lifecycle block was added to manage how resources are created, modified, and destroyed.

Lifecycle Configuration

lifecycle {
  create_before_destroy = true
  prevent_destroy        = false
  ignore_changes         = [tags]

Key Features:

  1. create_before_destroy: Prevents downtime by creating a new resource before destroying the old one.

  2. prevent_destroy: Protects critical resources when set to true.

  3. ignore_changes: Prevents Terraform from modifying specific attributes like tags.

Key Takeaways

  • Terraform State Files: Crucial for maintaining consistency between infrastructure and configuration.

  • Provisioners: Automate tasks like software installation post-deployment.

  • Lifecycle Management: Offers fine-grained control over resource behavior during updates and deletions.

  • Essential Commands:

    • terraform init

    • terraform validate

    • terraform plan

    • terraform apply

    • terraform destroy


Terraform simplifies infrastructure management with its declarative syntax, state management, and robust provisioning capabilities. Day 3 of TerraWeek deepened my understanding of defining resources, configuring provisioners, and leveraging lifecycle blocks for better control.

Ready to dive into Terraform? Let’s Terraform your world!

What do you think about the tasks? Share your feedback or questions in the comments! 😊

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