Day-18 of #90DaysOfDevOps

Day-18 of #90DaysOfDevOps

Docker for DevOps Engineers: Mastering Docker Compose and Containerization

In this blog, I'll be diving into some essential Docker concepts for DevOps engineers. Today’s focus is on Docker Compose and running containers as non-root users.

What is Docker Compose?

Docker Compose is a powerful tool used to define and share multi-container applications. With Docker Compose, we can create a docker-compose.yml file to define the services required by our application and link them together. With just a single command, we can spin up or tear down the entire environment.

Key Benefits of Docker Compose:

  • Multi-container management: You can define multiple services that work together in a single YAML file.

  • Ease of use: With a single command, all the necessary services for the application are up and running.

  • Configuration management: You can easily manage the configuration of all the services involved in your project.

Learn more about Docker Compose from this tutorial.

What is YAML?

YAML stands for "YAML Ain’t Markup Language" and is commonly used for writing configuration files. It's human-readable and makes managing configurations simpler. YAML files use .yml or .yaml extensions.

If you want to get deeper into YAML, you can read more about it here.

Task 1: Setting Up the Environment with Docker Compose

In this task, we’ll set up a Spring Boot application using MySQL as the database. We'll define the services, configure the environment, and link the containers together using Docker Compose.


  1. Clone the Git Repository:

    Clone the repository that contains the application code:

     git clone
  2. Create the Dockerfile:

    Create a Dockerfile for building and deploying the Spring Boot application:

     # Stage 1: Build the application
     FROM maven:3.8.3-openjdk-17 as builder
     WORKDIR /app
     COPY . /app
     RUN mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
     # Stage 2: Deploy the application
     FROM openjdk:17-alpine as deployer
     COPY --from=builder /app/target/*.jar /app/target/bankapp.jar
     EXPOSE 8080
     ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/app/target/bankapp.jar"]
  3. Create the docker-compose.yml:

    Create a docker-compose.yml file to configure the MySQL and Spring Boot services:

     version: "3.8"
         image: mysql:latest
         container_name: Mysql
           - MYSQL_DATABASE=BankDB
           - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test@123
           - ./mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
           - bankapp
           test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin" ,"ping", "-h", "localhost"]
           interval: 10s
           timeout: 5s
           retries: 3
           start_period: 30s
         build: .
         container_name: Bankapp
           - SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:mysql://mysql:3306/BankDB?useSSL=false&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&serverTimezone=UTC
           - SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD=test@123
           - "8080:8080"
             condition: service_healthy
           - bankapp
         restart: always
           test: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost:8080/actuator/health || exit 1"]
           interval: 10s
           timeout: 5s
           retries: 5
           start_period: 30s
  4. Running the Application:

    Use the following command to bring up the environment:

     docker-compose up -d
  5. Accessing the Application:

    Open the inbound rule of your instance to allow traffic on port 8080.

Task 2: Running Containers as a Non-Root User

In this task, we’ll learn how to run Docker containers as a non-root user, ensuring that Docker commands can be executed without sudo.


  1. Create a User and Add to Docker Group:

    Create a new user amitabh and add them to the Docker group:

     sudo usermod -aG docker amitabh
     newgrp docker

    This ensures that amitabh can execute Docker commands without needing sudo.

  2. Pull and Run a Custom Docker Image:

    Pull a custom image:

     docker pull amitabhdevops/notes-app

    Run the container:

     docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name notes-app amitabhdevops/notes-app
  3. Inspecting the Container:

    After running the container, you can inspect it using:

     docker inspect notes-app
  4. Viewing Container Logs:

    To view the container logs:

     docker logs notes-app
  5. Stopping and Starting the Container:

    To stop the container:

     docker stop notes-app

    To start it again:

     docker start notes-app
  6. Removing the Container:

    Once done, remove the container:

     docker stop notes-app && docker rm notes-app


Docker Compose simplifies the management of multi-container applications by defining all services in a single YAML file. Running containers as non-root users adds an extra layer of security and allows developers to work without sudo for Docker commands. These tasks are essential for DevOps engineers working with containerized applications.

Feel free to check out the video tutorial for further guidance.

For more updates, connect with me on LinkedIn.